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    Pirate's Booty

Created By: Abigail Tadesse, Ryan Lee, Aidan Osborne, and Kenley Taylor

The recommended number of Players is 3 or more.

The recommended age range is 7 or older


 1: First one player has to roll their dice. If the land on a jewel then the get points depending on the number that is on the bottom right-hand corner of the side the rolled one.  If a player roles and lands on a skull then they lose all their points and start at zero. If you have no points and land on a skull you stay at zero points. 

2: Everyone takes a turn rolling the dice and must keep track of their points. 

You stop taking turns when the timer has stopped.

3: Whoever has the most points, in the end, will be the winner. 

(You have to keep track of the number of points you have by yourself. You can use a notepad that will be included in the game box if you need to keep track of your points, but if you lose track of your points you will be disqualified. 

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